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Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)


Georgia’s 6th Congressional District had not sent a Democratic candidate to U.S. Congress since the Carter Administration. The special Congressional election in Atlanta required building awareness among and targeting the African-American community for candidate Jon Ossoff. Messaging also needed to encourage members within the district to vote for the Democratic Party. 

Baltimore Pro Bono Counseling


  • Integrated Marketing Campaign Strategy and Execution
  • Paid Media Campaign
  • Statewide Public Relations Rollout (State of Maryland)

The Pro Bono Counseling Project is a nonprofit organization that helps Maryland residents in underserved communities r

Diversity and Business: Recipe for Success

We’ve all seen it before. A pride month like Black History Month comes around and it seems like every other company is tweeting a quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. and then calling it a day. Supportive? …Not really. There’s so much more a company can do to enact diversity, equity, and inclusion in their own business practices to support diversity and inclusion.

How to Host a Virtual Event

Kids are going to school… online. Adults are going to work… online. People are meeting up with friends… online. COVID-19 has truly pushed everything, and everyone online, so why would events be any different?  One thing is for sure, these events don’t need to be a somber reminder of the current state of the world; they can be just as good as any other event, if you take the following key tips into consideration!

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