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How NABJ Redefined Mentorship for Me

I can still vividly recall that day in December 1977, my senior year at the University of Washington in Seattle, when a colleague and I stumbled upon a flyer on the bulletin board. That flyer led me to discover the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) – a national organization dedicated to empowering Black journalists. Back then, NABJ was only two years old and had about 100 members.

Guide To an Optimized & Branded Website Launch

Creating a new website or updating an existing one gets everyone excited; newness always does. It’s a new branded look that also implies progress within your business, whether you intend it to or not. It requires more care than most tend to put into it. It’s important to develop a plan that covers the key elements and ensures a successful launch.

Adam Nguyen, Account Coordinator

Adam Nguyen is the Account Coordinator at SRB Communications. Adam brings a wealth of Social Media and Digital Marketing with a modern and innovation edge. He has a background in communications and a passion for creating compelling digital content. Beginning his career in marketing as an intern, Adam also has a personal affinity for curating content across various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. 

Stacie Burgess, Director of Communications

Stacie Burgess is the Director of Communications. In her former role, she served as the senior advisor for communications and stakeholder relations and serves as the acting deputy assistant secretary for external affairs at ACF. Prior to joining the Biden Administration in November 2023, Burgess was Fenway Health’s first vice president of communications. She has also served as public affairs director at American University, a global research institution in Washington, D.C.

5 Reasons Why Every Eligible Voter Should Vote

Blog: 5 Reasons Why Every Eligible Voter Should Vote

If you are one of the millions of eligible voters who are not planning to vote during Election 2024, shame on you.

Are any of these excuses yours? “My one vote doesn’t matter.” “I don’t live in one of the swing states that will decide the presidential election.” “I don’t like any (or either) of the candidates.” “I’m not informed.”

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